2011 Resolutions Adopted Resolution 2011-01 Grant application ODNR.pdf Resolution 2011-02 Grant application.pdf Resolution 2011-03 Grant acceptance-NOPEC.pdf Resolution 2011-05 2 year Fire EMS agreement with HC .pdf Resolution 2011-05 Exhibit A contract .pdf Resolution 2011-06 Enumerated transfers .pdf Resolution 2011-07 New pickup for FD .pdf Resolution 2011-07 Exhibit A price sheet .pdf Resolution 2011-08 2012 Proposed budget.pdf Resolution 2011-09 Purchase PD cruiser .pdf Resolution 2011-10 HC agreement Hinsdale East Ext.pdf Resolution 2011-10 Exhibit A.pdf Resolution 2011-11 CT Consultants Contract .pdf Resolution 2011-11 Exhibit A fee proposal .pdf Resolution 2011-12 Public Funds expended .pdf Resolution 2011-13 Transfer per township contract.pdf Resolution 2011-14 One trash hauler .pdf Resolution 2011-14 Exhibit A bid specs .pdf Resolution 2011-15 State EMS grant application.pdf Resolution 2011-16 Transfer of funds for Hinsdale East Ext.pdf Resolution 2011-17 NOPEC grant funds awarded.pdf Resolution 2011-17 Exhibit A. pdf Resolution 2011-18 New fund for lighting grant.pdf Resolution 2011-19 Transfer funds to lighting grant.pdf Resolution 2011-20 Budget rates set by county.pdf Resolution 2011-21 Agreement with Hiram College for Hinsdale.pdf Resolution 2011-22 CTConsultants contract.pdf Resolution 2011-22 Exhibit A .pdf Resolution 2011-23 Hiram College congratulations.pdf Resolution 2011-24 HUD grant application.pdf Resolution 2011-24 HUD grant application part 2.pdf Resolution 2011-24 HUD grant part 3.pdf Resolution 2011-24 HUD grant application part 4.pdf Resolution 2011-24 HUD grant application part 5.pdf Resolution 2011-24 HUD grant application part 6.pdf Resolution 2011-25 Transfer for Hinsdale Rd.pdf Resolution 2011-26 Then and Now purchase orders.pdf Resolution 2011-26 Exhibit A.pdf Resolution 2011-26 Exhibit B.pdf Resolution 2011-27 Transfer to First Energy Grant.pdf Resolution 2011-28 AMATS grant.pdf Resolution 2011-28 Exhibit A.pdf Resolution 2011-29 ODOT project notification.pdf Resolution 2011-30 Purchase Street Dept pickup.pdf Resolution 2011-30 Exhibit A.pdf Resolution 2011-31 Transfer from General to Captial.pdf Resolution 2011-32 Round 26 OPWC funding.pdf Resolution 2011-32 Exhibit .pdf Resolution 2011-33 Then and Now Purchase Order.pdf Resolution 2011-34 One trash hauler.pdf Resolution 2011-34 Exhibit A part 1.pdf Resolution 2011-34 Exhibit A part 2.pdf Resolution 2011-34 Exhibit A part 3.pdf Resolution 2011-35 Grant application for OPWC.pdf Resolution 2011-35 Exhibit A.pdf Resolution 2011-36 Contract with Zupka.pdf Resolution 2011-36 Exhibit A.pdf Resolution 2011-37 AMATS grant.pdf Resolution 2011-37 Exhibit A.pdf Resolution 2011-38 Advance repayment.pdf Resolution 2011-39 Solicitor agreement.pdf Resolution 2011-39 Exhibit A.pdf